Tuesday 4 November 2008

Queuing for the Bus!

I am on the bus waiting to leave for Asmara. The queuing system is brilliant. It begins at an unmarked point in the dusty open space that is the bus terminal. People do not stand in the queue, they place an object to represent their place. It may be a bag, a stone, an empty bottle, anything. Everyone respects this order and knows exactly which object represents which person! Today I was a pointed rock! When the bus arrives the driver comes to give out tokens. I ended up being bumped up the queue and put in the front seat. They really will not take no for an answer. So, lucky me, I get a great view and loads of space! As I sit here I can see families selling belés (prickly pears) all in a row. Another queue waiting for the bus going the other way to Adi Keyh. Also some kids sitting on carts with donkeys taking flour and beans etc. back and forth. A camel just walked past heavily laden with God knows what. Yesterday I saw a camel taking a break in the petrol station – hilarious?

[Extract from letter received early October]

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