Saturday 28 June 2008

The big countdown

Hey guys!!
Finally got around to starting a blog!!!

It's 69 days til fly day!

I had 'the big finance chat' with Mum and Dad so things are getting moving. (Thanks M and D!) Next is the 'big finance chat' with the ever impossible Student Loans Company!!!

I have motorcycle training tomorrow so I'm sure some comedy tales will follow shortly. I'll post a picture of me in my helmet!!!

Keep coming back!

1 comment:

Sarah Heanley said...

Ooh, get you, your own 'blog'. I'm still not sure that Eritrea needs you as much as Putney does but look forward to following your adventures and life out there from September. We'll miss you loads but know you're going to have an amazing time. See you soon! Look forward (with some trepidation!)to hearing about your motorcycle training. Sarah x