Thursday 2 October 2008

Me again!!

Hi again!
I managed to get my new sim card and so I think this will be the last update for a couple of weeks at least as there is no internet in Segeneiti and I will probably ride back tomorrow. My new sim card means I now have a new phone number, please contact my parents or me via email if you'd like to know the number!
It's becoming noticeably cooler here now - the winds are picking up - apparently a prominent feature of Eritrean Highlands Autumns! Today was pretty warm but it's cooled off considerably as the sun has started setting. Days here are quite short with the sun setting at about 6 in the evening. Days start early though with schools opening for flag ceremony at 7:15am!! I am still not made for mornings though people keep telling me I'll get used to it!
Schools are usually split into morning and afternoon shifts as there are not enough teachers (or classrooms) to hold everyone at once. Children go to kindergarten, then elementary school (grades 1-5), junior school (grades 6-8), secondary (grades 9-11). Each year, students need to pass the end of year assessment in order to move int0 the next grade. This means there are often children of very different ages in the same class. Class sizes are big and often a teacher has 80 or 90 children in one class. I am hoping to visit some schools in my subzoba starting on Monday- this will give me more of an idea about the kinds of training teachers need and want. The school year starts very slowly and often children and teachers are late back due to harvesting and/or visiting family for Eid but most people should be back by Monday so it seems like a good time to start.
I'm going to try to add some photos so you guys can finally see what Eritrea looks like!

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