Monday 1 September 2008

Leaving Party!!!!!!

Hi Guys!
Sending out a great big 'THANK YOU' to everyone who came to my party on Saturday. I had a great time and was really pleased that so many of you could make it! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves; I think we may have put a record amount of money in the tills and certainly emptied a record number of Sambuca bottles in one night!

Thank you also for your amazing gifts. I have been overwhelmed by people's generosity. I'm planning on putting the money into my savings account for emergencies such as needing to go travelling in other parts of Africa whilst I'm away!!

Finally, my camera had no battery- neither did Rach's and Dad has lost his!!!! So if anyone has photos please send copies to me- digitally or otherwise!! I would love to see some photos of the night, especially so I can take pics of you all with me to Eritrea. And if you found a camera please let Dad know!

Thanks again for being so fab!
Liz x

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